Friday, November 29, 2013

Flowers for Algernon

I am but a fleeting voice
Making not so much as a noise
But a constant whisper
Of a shunned leper

They insist on knowing me
The showy side of piety
But a man with no affiliation
Escapes detection

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ustaz of the week

Ustaz of the week
Slang negeri entah mana-mana
Berceramah baru dua baris
Aku dah confirm masuk neraka

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Duduk di ceruk gelap
Hajat nak nampak bintang
Makan di tempat tidur
Tidur bertelanjang seorang
Menyeringai bak binatang  

Baru tadi selesai mandi
Berpakaian menutup kemaluan diri Kemudian bercukur mengerat rambut Berkumur
Kembali belajar bertutur

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So apparently on the show ‘How I Met Your Mother’, there’s this theory that when a guy works in a particular place, and all the girls there are not up to standards looks-wise, the least ugly of them all would start appearing pretty enough for the guy to start fancying. A girl whom the guy wouldn’t look twice at if he was to see her outside of the confines of the workplace. The theory’s called the Mermaid Theory. Anyway, I don’t watch that show. It’s somewhat dumb, and that Mosby dude is kind of a pussy, moaning 24/7 about not having a girl when he spends every season changing girlfriends. Wah wah wah, right? Anyway I learnt about that show from a female friend of mine at work.

No, she’s not my Mermaid. She’s not comely enough for me to be attracted to her, and like most girls who are of the homely sort, she was quickly relegated to the status of best friend. Nothing romantic at all. Nor sexual.  I knew her from way back, back before we started working here, with here being in a particularly remote part of Malaysia. The kind of a remote place that makes even a loner lonely, for the lack of the sight of other people, and women to be exact. I’d get so lonely and bored that there’s nothing else to do in my spare time apart from play video games, and masturbate, in no particular order.

Anyway, she’s gone now. Started work somewhere else a lot less remote. Bitch. Ditching her best friend when she was the one who convinced me to come work here in the first place. Now I’m stuck here. Haven’t talked to her in a few months’ time. But her being away meant that a replacement was found in her stead. Thankfully it was someone who fit the description of a Mermaid. MY mermaid. A girl whom I wouldn’t pay attention to back home, but over here, in the middle of nothingness and after my prolonged lack of human contact, man oh man, what a sight for sore eyes she was!

She was fair-skinned, always a plus in any guy’s good book, and shapely where it counts. Well... That’s about it. Well, I told you she’s no goddess, just a Mermaid. Plus, her teeth are kind of crooked, but I’m being fussy, aren’t I?

From what little she told me about herself, she is one of those girls who are distant with their own parents. Only by coming to this bumfuckville, was she able to elude the long arm of her overbearing parents. And going against their wishes means not being allowed the use of their second car, so she came all the way here without a transport of her own. Part of our job requires travelling for a bit, and that meant she had to hitch a ride with me. Fine by me, that means having company along the trips, and what better company than that of the fairer sex?

Anyway, that’s how she ended up as separate body parts, in a black garbage bag in the bonnet of my car, and her severed head in between my feet, near the pedals. I think I might have fucked her too. I mean raped.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sementara itu

lahir nasib baik
mati sudah tentu
apa nak dibuat,
sementara itu?

ada suka mencipta
mengolah mereka benda baru
ada yang membakar rusuh
sampai tinggal abu

telah aku cipta
anak, kerja, syair dan lagu
juga dahku robohkan
harta, bangunan, subsidi kerajaan
sekarang duduk bertongkat dagu
apa nak dibuat
sementara itu